Caryophy Brand Has Counterfeit

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Currently, acne treatment products of the Caryophy brand have been counterfeited and circulated on the market. These products are sold at a price equivalent to the original, but the specifications and quality are incorrect, leading to poor treatment results and allergies.

Please note the following features to distinguish between real and fake products. The counterfeit products include: Caryophy face wash; Caryophy serum, Caryophy toner and Caryophy cleansing water.

read more: Identify genuine Caryophy makeup remover bottles

1. Distinguish real and fake Caryophy serum

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On the printed side of the barcode: the REAL CARYOPHY box will bold the first 8 characters of the 2nd paragraph
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On the printed side of components, instructions: REAL CARYOPHY box is evenly spaced, capital letters are clearly visible.
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KOREA PRINT: REAL CARYOPHY bold initials 7th, 10th, 15th, 18th REAL CARYOPHY not bolded capacity information (10ml, 0.33 US FL OZ)
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REAL CARYOPHY uses rough, light colored label paper and is carefully and neatly glued – FAKE CARYOPHY uses glossy, bold colored label paper and sloppy stickers
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REAL CARYOPHY has smaller and more even serrated stripes than REAL CARYOPHY – FAKE CARYOPHY has 2 smooth top and bottom lines, REAL CARYOPHY has none
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REAL CARYOPHY has slimmer essence straws than FAKE CARYOPHY – Real CARYOPHY straws have small slits, FAKE CARYOPHYs don’t

2. Distinguishing real and fake Caryophy Toner bottles

Cach Phan Biet Toner Caryophy That va Gia Nhan Biet Chinh Hang Mua O Dau 0 53 screenshot
The front of the Caryophy Toner bottle box
Cach Phan Biet Toner Caryophy That va Gia Nhan Biet Chinh Hang Mua O Dau 1 13 screenshot
The side of the Caryophy Toner box has a Vietnamese sub-stamp.
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Back of Caryophy toner box
Cach Phan Biet Toner Caryophy That va Gia Nhan Biet Chinh Hang Mua O Dau 2 58 screenshot
With the solution inside, you can easily distinguish it thanks to the very light and faint smell of the real thing, not the strong chemical scent in the fake.
Cach Phan Biet Toner Caryophy That va Gia Nhan Biet Chinh Hang Mua O Dau 2 10 screenshot
The front of the label on the Toner bottle is slimmer and more delicate
Cach Phan Biet Toner Caryophy That va Gia Nhan Biet Chinh Hang Mua O Dau 2 17 screenshot
The notes on the back of the bottle label are detailed, sharp and contain many details to easily identify counterfeits.

– Công ty TNHH Caryophy Việt Nam –

By Hazel Winslow

Due to the nature of my job, I have to constantly travel everywhere. My lifestyle is a bit erratic, and time is limited. Therefore, to maintain my health at the best possible level, I always try to limit fast food and replace it with fruits and vegetables. When it comes to skin care products, I put safety first. Because I don't have much time to do elaborate skin care steps, I like products that provide optimal results in a short time.

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